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Who aryoto judge?
Why make fun of someone for something they can't control?

She's emo? -  You'd cut too if you've been through what she has.
She's anorexic? - You'd be too if everyone called you fat everyday.
She's a who.re? - 
She made 1 mistake that cost her her rep.
She's a show off? - Her parents abuse her, she's never heard praise.
She's loud? - She's invisible at home, she wants to be heard.
She's quiet? - She's afraid to speak up, she might get made fun of.

She's fat? - She binge eats, because she misses her dead brother.
She's a geek? - She wants to get into college, to support her poverty ridden family.
She's doesn't wear Abercrombie? - Her dad's been out of work for 6 months, clothes isn't the top priority.
She's ugly? - Tell me. What is the definition of beauty?

Imperfection  i beautiful.

Format by kara008

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Who are you to judge? Why make fun of someone for something they

21 faves · Feb 29, 2012 12:09am






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