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Don't you ever say you don't feel good enough for the world. The world should be thanking you for how amazing you are. You are one of my best friends. You were my best friend in grade 1. I miss those days especially in grade 2 with the Green Eyed Monster and feeding Chicky across the fence. Those were amazing times. Peanutbutter and Chocolate, i'll love you fover and aways ;) <3 You're such an amazing friend, you're always there for me, You're funny, amazing pretty and Beautiful. Kailey stop saying you aren't beautiful, because you truely are. I'm not just saying this to make you shut up about how you're not beautiful, i'm saying this because I mean it and I love you and you need to get that in your head! Because you actually are really Beautiful! I'm being 100% honest too. So please stop saying you're not good enough for this world, the world isn't good enough for you and stop saying you aren't beautiful or as pretty as me and Jewel because you are just as pretty as us okay? <3 And I'm not the only one who thinks this. I love you. <3
You're Beautiful, now get it in your head.

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Kailey. Don't you ever say you don't feel good enough

4 faves · 2 comments · Feb 28, 2012 9:26pm






HugsNotDrugs · 1 decade ago
I know :)
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Kailey1234 · 1 decade ago
Omg that was so heart warming! <3 I cryed!
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