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Once upon a time their was three sisters triplets to be excat. Their names were Riley , Miley and Skylee. Not only were they sisters they were bestfriends. These three girls had everything to make their life as close to perfect as it could be. 
One day Riley Miley and Skylee were walking home from school. when they got home that day the living room and kitchen were all backed up. The girls had no idea they were moving so Skylee started getting mad and went up to her mom and dad and said WHAT IS THIS!?! WHY IS EVERYTHING PACKED UP? Her mother replyed with well your father got transferred to California , and thats why everything is packed up.
Skylee was so upset that she just stormed out of the room , Riley asked her what was wrong but Skylee just kept storming off. So Riley just said uhm okay then. Then looked at Miley and said well she`s mad about moving. Hummmmmm wonder where we are moving , I`m going to go ask.Skylee then yelled dont bother asking! we are moving to California! Riley and Miley both looked at eachother and grinned. 
Miley then went and asked Skylee why she was so mad about moving? California could be fun to live their. Skylee then said because my life is perfect here, I have you and Riley plus other great friends plus I even have a great boyfriend here and I do not want to leave this it is great. Miley then said we will make new friends and you could probably come back and see him on the weekends. 
Skylee: I could but what if he cheated on me or something ? and I would never know. 
Miley: Well I would imagine one of your friends form here would tell you.
Skylee: Well most of my friends are friends with him so how do I know for sure? 
Miley: well you trust him don`t you ?
Skylee: YES! Of course I do. 
Miley: Then trust that he will not cheat one you! and that if he does then your friends will tel you! 
Skylee: Yes I suppose you are right. 
Miley: I know plus we will havea week till we move spend lots of time with him. 
Skylee: Oh I deffinetly will!!! 
Then Riley came in the room and Skylee left. Riley looked at Miley and said that moving to California could be a good thing because little did her family and friends know Riley was on her way to depression. Everyone thought Riley was fine , but Miley knew something was wrong but everytime she asked Riley would just say nothings wrong I am fine, Miley just said okay. Miley really knew that maybe whatever was wrong would just go away when they moved and Miley just wanted the happy old Riley back. 
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REVENGE Open for new ideas and like for more Once upon a time

1 faves · Feb 28, 2012 1:29pm






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