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~~~Chapter 4~~~

I whirl around to find Brad, my boyfriend, looking as horrified and frightened as me.I immediatly burst into tears and he pulls me into his arms.

"shhh, it's alright baby girl." he says reassuringly

"No, it's not" I sob "they're all dead Brad! Sarah, Hayden, Even Josie!"

"chris? I need you to look at me right now." He says intensly "you know how much I care about you, right?"

:of course." I reply, deeply confused.

"willow Christena Teff." He says, lifting my chin to look in his eyes "I love you. I really do. I figured since today was your 18th birthday, and we've been dating since the 7th grade, I would propose to you today. But now I'm not going to get the chance."

He pulls a small black box out of his jacket pocket and closes my hands around it. 

"Oh, how precious is this little scene?" Says an all to familiar voice menacingly  from behind me. Brad pushes me behind him to block me from my own father.
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~~~Chapter 4~~~ I whirl around to find Brad, my boyfriend, looking

8 faves · 1 comments · Feb 27, 2012 11:57pm






Lastvo · 1 decade ago
epic story

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