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Geek to Glamorous

Chapter 7
 After my room had dried from the paint, I moved in all of my things. After that I placed everything on my dressers, made my bed, and started hanging things on the walls. In my old room pictures of Betsy and me crowded the walls. I certainly didn’t want that in this room so I hung up pictures of my favorite celebrities, and photographs I took on vacation when I was younger. The last thing I did was place my stuffed puppy on my bed, and put my notebook on my nightstand. It was almost supper time when I finished.

My dad normally would make dinner, but he was a little busy unpacking. He decided to just order pizza from an old style pizza parlor down the road named, “Johnson’s Pizza.” It was a five minute walk so my dad thought it would be useless to take the car. He sent me to walk in the snow instead. I understood that he wanted to save gas money, but it was freezing outside. I just slid on my boots and winter coat so I could get to the pizza place and back without hypothermia. It wouldn’t have been to bad except it was windy and I had no idea where anything was in the town. It took me ten minutes of wandering around in the snow before finding it.

I walked inside and saw middle age guy standing at the counter with a thick black mustache. There was also a group of teenager sitting in the far corner of the old styled parlor.
“Ms. Williams?” The mustache man questioned. I nodded politely.
“Your pizza will be ready in a few minutes. You are more than welcome to take a seat,” The man said pointing the red leather stools surrounding the counter.
“Thanks,” I said as I sat down in one of the seats. I spun from side to side as I watched the pizza cook in the brick oven.

I pretended to look fascinated with the parmesan cheese shaker as I heard the teenagers behind me get up from their seats. I stared down at the counter and pretended not to notice them. That is what I always did. I felt if I pretended not to see them they wouldn’t pick on me. That never worked at my old school since I had geekitis, but maybe it was worth a shot. I was wrong when I heard someone call me name. “Charlotte?” The voice said from behind me. I spun around to see Noah’s shaggy blonde hair. 
After my room had dried from the paint, I moved in all of my things. After that I placed everything on my dressers, made my bed, and started hanging things on the walls. In my old room pictures of Betsy and me crowded the walls. I certainly didn’t want that in this room so I hung up pictures of my favorite celebrities, and photographs I took on vacation when I was younger. The last thing I did was place my stuffed puppy on my bed, and put my notebook on my nightstand. It was almost supper time when I finished.

My dad normally would make dinner, but he was a little busy unpacking. He decided to just order pizza from an old style pizza parlor down the road named, “Johnson’s Pizza.” It was a five minute walk so my dad thought it would be useless to take the car. He sent me to walk in the snow instead. I understood that he wanted to save gas money, but it was freezing outside. I just slid on my boots and winter coat so I could get to the pizza place and back without hypothermia. It wouldn’t have been to bad except it was windy and I had no idea where anything was in the town. It took me ten minutes of wandering around in the snow before finding it.

I walked inside and saw middle age guy standing at the counter with a thick black mustache. There was also a group of teenager sitting in the far corner of the old styled parlor.
“Ms. Williams?” The mustache man questioned. I nodded politely.
“Your pizza will be ready in a few minutes. You are more than welcome to take a seat,” The man said pointing the red leather stools surrounding the counter.
“Thanks,” I said as I sat down in one of the seats. I spun from side to side as I watched the pizza cook in the brick oven.

I pretended to look fascinated with the parmesan cheese shaker as I heard the teenagers behind me get up from their seats. I stared down at the counter and pretended not to notice them. That is what I always did. I felt if I pretended not to see them they wouldn’t pick on me. That never worked at my old school since I had geekitis, but maybe it was worth a shot. I was wrong when I heard someone call me name. “Charlotte?” The voice said from behind me. I spun around to see Noah’s shaggy blonde hair. 

So what do you think will happen with Noah? Predictions? Suggestions. Sorry I havent been posting, I have been caught up in a lot of...stuff. Anyways let me know your opinoin good and bad(:
- Leave some love, Liz

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Geek to Glamorous Chapter 7 After my room had dried from the

3 faves · 1 comments · Feb 27, 2012 4:24pm






LoveExists27 · 1 decade ago
I Love Your Story. It's Amazing.<3
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