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For everything there must come a last.
A last minute, a last hour, a last month, day, or year.
A last drink, a last coke, a last tequila, scotch, or beer.
A last love, a last heart, a last kiss, hug, or rage...
Or even the last words written on a page.
But the worst last thing is your last breath
because what is to follow will surely be your death.

I used to pretend that I felt ok but whats the point when they'll all find out sooner or later when Im gone

"dEaTh gOtTa Be EaSy CuS LiFe iS hArD, iT wIlL LeAvE u MeNtAlLy , PhYsIcALy AnD eMoTiOnaLy scaRd"

*I know these are deep, but if you`ve ever felt thisz way, make sure you know another day wiLL come, &nd everything wiLL be so much better.. i promise!*

--/> |[ xXOo ]| <\--
x3___LoVe yOoU!___x3
(|) corissa mae (|)
-ii miiss you wiiLL!-
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For everything there must come a last. A last minute, a last

1 faves · Oct 25, 2004 7:04pm





break up

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