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Chapter 1

 When my feet hit the cold wood floor, it set shivers up my spine.
I then picked myself up and brought myself to shower.
The warm steam hit my skin like a ray of sunshine.
It was the best feeling in the world.
When I finished my shower I got out and put on a pair of jeans and tank top.
I straightened my hair, and color my eyes with eyeliner.
After a few seconds of silence I looked around to see a note on the table.
‘ Ill be on a business trip for a few days, see you Sunday
Xoxo Mom’
I just rolled my eyes at the note I’ve seen too many times.
My Mom goes on business trips almost every weekend.
Therefore, basically leaving me alone for weeks at a time.
And my dad, well I don’t know where he is; he left even before I could walk.
The thought of that made my stomach sick.
So I took out my phone and called my best friend
“Hey L, lets meet at the coffee place before school, I need something to wake me up.”
“Sounds good babe, meet you there in ten”
And so I hung up my phone and grabbed my keys to my black mustang.
I stepped in my car, cranked the heat and turned on the wind shield wipers.
I blasted the music and headed out to the coffee shop.
I looked at my phone and realized L called.
Of course probably saying she was going to be late.
So when I tried to call her back my phone fell.
I bent down to reach it, and then all of a sudden I heard a horn.
I shot up and to see I was going through a red light
Then as I looked to my right all I saw was glass coming to my face.
Then darkness was all I saw next.

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Memory Chapter 1 When my feet hit the cold wood floor, it set

2 faves · Feb 24, 2012 7:02pm






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