Witty Profiles

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Are you ready to spill your guts?
 yes, yes I am
How many people have you kissed, that you can HONESTLY say you love?
 1, & I loved him HONESTLY, with ALL my heart . & I still do <3

These questions will get rather deep and personal, can you take it?
Is there someone you want to let go of?
 Yes, but I cant

Do you think age matters in relationships?
 Not at all. You can't help your feelings

Do you have any regrets?
 not a single one (:

The last person you kissed bumped into you at school, what would you say? 
 Id say sorry & walk away really fast

How old are you?

When was the last time you were truly, completely happy?
 Two months ago

Do you hate the last person you kissed?
 I say I do, but I actually love him

What's the connection between the last person you texted?
Reallyreallyreally close friends \ my ex boyfriend
Do you go to church every Sunday?
 I never go

Have you lost friends in the past year?

 Do you think two people can be happy forever?
Of course!

Think back to July 2008, were you single

Name one person you wish you could fix things with, and why haven't you?
 My ex boyfriend. The guy I kissed. & I haven't because, well, I tried to. But he likes someone else.

Would you rather sleep by yourself or with someone else?

Is there someone you used to talk to every single day that you don't talk to anymore?
 sadly ):

Are you in a good mood?
 no, today was the worst day ever

Can you recall the last time you liked someone?
 Right this very second..

who are you talking to?
My friend Alex, & my friend Taylor. 

 What's one thing you like about winter?
 Indooor socccerrrrrr <3

As of this minute, what is going through your mind?
 Him </3

Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the person you fell the hardest for?
Yes, I would proabably start crying!
Can you spend a whole night with the last person you kisses?
 Of course <33

Do you have a hard time controlling your emotions?
 mhmm ):

Do you like your height?
Im short... & I love it <3 

Who sits behind you in English class?

 Sohail & Katie
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Are you ready to spill your guts? yes, yes I am How many people

3 faves · Feb 24, 2012 5:22pm






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