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Dear Myself,

  I know, I understand He is one of Those guys. He was Sweet and Adorable. He treated you like the Queen. Told you you were His everything looked in yhose big blue eyes and told you that He loves you, Your His Only one. You saw it right? The Lies? Yeah, Dont say you did. Cause i knwo you never did cause He can lie straight from the heart into your pretty blue eyes. smile baby, dont cry, laugh, mean it when you do dont say your okay when your not cause i see through your bulls**t. dont worry no matter what im here for you to listen, to care and show love even when the boy next doy isnt. but babe being played is part of life so is heartbreak..show Him your Happy. thats what will Kill him inside.

love, me
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Dear Myself, I know, I understand He is one of Those guys. He

0 faves · Feb 22, 2012 6:51pm




