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A Price to Pay
Part 3 Chapter 15

I retrieved my house keys from the bottom of my purse. I unlocked the door and stepped in, "Hey everyone! I'm home!" I shouted. My sister, Sophia, lazily walked in from the kitchen, "Hola, little sis, and little sis's boytoy." I rolled my eyes and gave her a hug, "Well hello to you too." I said sarcastically. Jeremy waved, "Hey, Sophia." My sister ignored his wave and gave him a big hug. Jeremy threw me a confused glance behind her shoulder, I just shrugged my shoulders; he wasn't the only one confused. Once Sophia released him I changed topic, "So where's mom and dad?" I asked glancing around. She sighed, "Mom just got out of work and dad should be leaving the apartment about now. They both wanted to be here when you walked in but they're not so I get the honors," Sophia raised her hands over her head and said sarcastically, "Welcome home!" I rolled my eyes, "Thanks... Ok well Jeremy and I are going up stairs, let me know when everyone gets here." She smiled and looked at Jeremy and i secretly, "Have fun you two love birds." I didn't like that smile; she knew something the rest of us didn't... I shook it off, whatever. Jeremy and I walked up to my room. But when I opened the door I knew exactly why Sophia had been smiling. Half my room was covered in boxes, the other half had been transformed into and art studio. There was something about seeing all my stuff in boxes that got to me. I walked over to my dresser and found my iPod dock but Sophia's iPod in there with a new song ready to be played. "What happened?" Jeremy asked. I shook with rage and said through gritted teeth, "Sophia transformed my room into her private art studio." I balled my hand into fists and ran down the stairs, "Sophia what the hell happened to my room!?" Sophia smirked, "Oh, you don't mind right. Mom said I could because I live so close to home... Oh chill out! Don't worry we moved all your stuff to guest bedroom." I shook my head, "The boxes are still in my room, and why the hell didnt you move into the guest bedroom!" I shouted. Her expression softened, "I didn't know it would hurt you... And the boxes are just my paints and stuff, oh and the guest bedroom was too small." I sighed, "I feel like I'm being kicked out of my room..." She looked hurt, "I didn't think it would care, and your gone all the time. I'm sorry I should have asked." I sighed and shook my head, "No it's fine... Just ask next time." I said while walking up the stairs. I got Jeremy and headed into the guest bedroom. It looked like and exact replica of my old one, just cramped. I sighed and plopped down on the bed. "Are you ok?" Jeremy asked while lying down next to me. I nodded my head, "I'm fine, just a little hurt." Jeremy closed his eyes in thought. After awhile he opened them and reached inside his pocket. He pulled out his iPod and clicked on a song. I smiled; the song was 'My Wish' by Rascal Flatts. The familiar lyrics flooded through me, "You remembered." I whispered. He smiled, "I remember everything you say." I kissed him softy on the lips. Suddenly Sophia knocked on the door, "Yo love birds! Mom and dad are here!" I slowly pulled back and grabbed Jeremy's hand, "Are you ready?" I asked nervously. He nodded his head, "When I'm with you I'm ready to do anything."

After my parents welcomed me home and everyone was settled down in the living room I stood up, "Mom, dad, Sophia, we have something to tell you."  My parents looked at me with concern and Sophia rolled her eyes, "Here comes the big shocker." I ignored Sophia and took a deep breath, "Jeremy recently found out that he was also accepted into the university of Miami," I squeezed Jeremy's hand and continued, "and with that being said, we want to get married." I said while holding up my left hand with the engagement ring on it. My parents looked at me; alarm written all over their face. "Are you pregnant?" my mom asked in disbelief. I shook my head violently, "No. Of course not!" Their expressions softened a little, "You barely know each other." my mom said softly. "Mom we're in love." I said dreamily looking at Jeremy. My mother looked like she was going to say something but she shut her mouth. But I knew what she was going to say. 'I was in love once too.' I'm not an idiot, I knew my parents didn't believe in love anymore; but I did. And that's all that matters. "Oh my gosh! This is amazing! Ok I'm in charge of all the decorations and art work! I'm the wedding planner! Ohhh this is going to be so much fun." Sophia said excitedly. I smiled, "Your not only just the wedding planner sister dear; your also my maid of honor with Faith." Sophia looked like she was about to cry, which to me was the most shocking thing of the night. "Jeremy what do you think of this?" My dad asked. Jeremy squeezed my hand and said, "Mr. Reed, I love your daughter, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I know her better than I know myself." Jeremy was starting to win my parents over I thought while my parents expressions softened more. "What's her favorite color?" Sophia cut in. "Purple." Jeremy responded. "Her dream career?" "Professional soccer player." "What's her dead boyfriend's name?" "Jack." "How about her favorite song?" "My Wish, by Rascal Flatts." "One last question," my sister questioned, "who's her favorite person?" Jeremy smiled, "You, of course." I rolled my eyes while my sister smiled and said, "He passes my test. I say he's a keeper."

 Fave/comment! Sooo next chapter is the mass for Jack which a lot of people are anticipating (which I have no idea why) so I'm going to make it really good for you guys :)
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A Price to Pay Part 3 Chapter 15 I retrieved my house keys from

8 faves · 1 comments · Feb 18, 2012 4:26pm






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