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I have always believed that the worst thing in the world is to see your mother cry.
But yesterday was, let's say, the day that has changed my thoughts forever.

Yesterday, my Dad and Mom fought over something. Something which hurted my mother a lot. She was hurt I knew that but she was not crying. She is the kind of person who lets it out. If she feels it, she says it.  But yesterday, she kept quite. She held her tears back. She held her anger back. She just stood their in the kitchen acting as if she is doing something though in reality she was very hurt and she just wanted to divert her mind. I felt broken. I couldn't see her like that. That sight was killing. Not saying anything just holding everything back. For the first time I said "Why are you not crying? Don't hold it back. Please. Cry. Let it out Mom." She just didn't reply. I began to cry and I hugged her not because I thought she needed it but because I thought I needed it. That thought was selfish enough. And just because of that single little hug. She started crying and let it out. 
And that was the moment that I realized that sometimes our parents need us and if not all the time then at least a single hug!  

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I have always believed that the worst thing in the world is to

1 faves · Feb 18, 2012 2:42pm






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