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                                                        ♥   Chapter 5 Part 2

The rest of the period, Tristen and I kept on arguing. 
"You're so funny when your mad!" Tristen smiled.
I tried giving him a dirty look, but I couldn't get mad at him. 
"One Direction is a cute boy band!" I protested. We've been arguging about stupid things, but I secretly enjoyed it.
"It's not like they'll ever like you." He teased.
My mouth dropped, "Yes they will! They just don't know it yet."
"God you're annoying. Good thing this is the only class I have with you," Tristen stated.
Did he really think that I was annoying?
The bell finally rang, and everybody started squirming out.
 "See you later, dork!" He teased, yet again.
The next class went by in a flash, and then it was time to go home.
I waited outside for my mom to pick me up, as we planned.
Twenty minutes passed, and she hadn't arrived.
"I guess someone was forgotten," I heard someone chuckle. I knew who that voice was, his voice was in my mind throughtout the whole day.
I spun on my heel to find myself facing Tristen.
"My mom is just a little late, she had a busniess meeting," I lied, I honestly didn't know where she was.
"Or maybe, your mom doesn't care about you," Tristen laughed in my face.
"Whatever!" I turned around and began to walk to the other side of the parking lot.
"Rosaleah wait!" He grabbed my elbow and spun me around.
"What!?" I retorted as I looked him straight in the eye.
Tristen looked like he lost his words but then snapped, "Nevermind! It's not important, Just go wait for your mom who doesn't care about you!"
"Whatever, Tristen," I muttered than began walking. I sat down on the curb of the sidewalk, waiting for my mom. Tristen got me so mad, maybe me mom doesn't even care about me!
I began to get teary eyed. Then I felt someone sit next to me... It was Tristen.
"What do you want?! Are you hear to tell me that I was probably a mistake too!?" I sniveled.
"No," Tristen stammered," I came to apologize."
"Tristen? Apologize? Ha. That must be the biggest joke there is!" 
"Quit being so sarcastic. I'm sorry for saying--rude things to you, I didn't know you would cry like a baby."
I jokingly slapped his arm, "I'm not crying like a baby! Those words just really hurt!" 
Without saying a word, Tristen stood up and held out his hand.
"What?" I wondered.
"Stand up Rosaleah!" He hissed.
"Okay fine! Don't get mad!" I stood up and looked at him, "What now?"
"Let's go," He started walking off the opposite direction.
"Go where?"
"Mexico, Rosaleah, Mexico," He rolled his eyes.
"I'm being serious! I don't want you to take me somewhere so you can kill me!"
  "I'm taking you home since your Mom forgot about you," He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes, but followed.



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Secrets ♥ Chapter 5 Part 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5 faves · Feb 18, 2012 1:20am






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