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Quote by LittleMissCutie

Witty We Need To Change

I don’t really understand Witty anymore. When I first joined about a year ago I don’t remember it being so judgmental. So mean. Everyone was like family. We listened to each other instead of putting each other down. It was an escape. There was NO drama and absolutely no bulling. I thought the whole reason we were on this site was to get away from life. From the hurt. I thought it was a place we could vent. I’m actually a little scared to post this because of some of the feedback I may get. It shouldn’t be like that. Come on Witty were family it shouldn’t be like this. We need to change. STOP the drama. STOP the judging. Just STOP being so critical of eachother. Who cares if you drink or smoke? Who cares if you’re a Virgin? Who cares if you’ve made mistakes. We all have. Were only human. Just come on Witty join hands and become a family again. I know WE can do it. I believe in US. <3

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Quote by LittleMissCutie Witty We Need To Change I don’t

2 faves · Feb 17, 2012 11:00pm






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