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The Final Season

Hallie and Cami are back with some old teammates and some new faces for a hopeful repeat of last season. Will the make the run for the title again? Or will their season be shot down before it even begins?
Teams had been picked and practices were beginning. It was time to begin the run for the title again. It was our final season. We had some new kids this season but still a lot of of us together from last year. Unfourtunately God was not with me on draft day and my dad decided to coach with Brandon and Mikey's dads again. So whatever I'm supposed to watch my back about this summer is bound to be interesting. Our first practice was at the local high school. When I walked in I was pulled aside, after a few excahnged words I was hit with what was going to turn this summer upside down.
"What do you mean me and Cami can't play!?"

Redsox 2012
Jack Coner
Hallie DeRegneir?
Richie Dewitt
Mikey Durkin
Chase Green
Brandon Medina
Cami Padg?
Nathan Reyes
Jason Riveria
Matt Winter


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The Final Season preface Hallie and Cami are back with some old

2 faves · Feb 16, 2012 12:59am






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