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and i'll sit here and take it all'
in..is there anything else you
wanted to tell me?cause my.
hearts all yours..go ahead..
shatter it..

you dont have to say
eat your` heart out
cuz i already 'am

your lipstick, his collar. dont bother angel, i.
know exactly what goes on.
when everything you'll get is everything'
that you've wanted, princess. well `which
would you prefer? my finger on the trigger
or me, face down across your floor. well'
just so long as this things loaded..and will.
you tell all your friends you've got your'
gun to my head. this was only wishful thinking'

i'll be your groupie baby cuz
your my superstar..im your
number one fan, give me
your autograph..sign it right
here on my heart

i cant say i blame you..but i wish i could..im sick of writing every song about you *

you hold grudges too
much. thats kind of'
f e m i n i n e'
..isnt ' it?

You've got this silly way .
of keeping me on the edge
of my seat But you're`only
counting the clock against'
the train And I'm`miserable

if i could be your first real heartache
i would do it over again. if you`could
be my punk rock princess ` i would
be your heroine
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and i'll sit here and take it all' in..is there anything else

1 faves · Oct 19, 2004 4:10pm






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