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i don't miss you.
i miss who you used to be.
i miss the sweet guy that would call me at three in the morning just to tell me that he can't get me off his mind.
i miss the amazing person who used to hold me in his arms when i was feeling down and just let me cry.
the guy who didn't care if i got tears on his jacket; i was worth it in his eyes.
i miss the guy who told me he loved me and proved it to me.
the guy who treasured each moment that i spent with him.
but i'll tell you what i don't miss.
i don't miss the jerk who now critisizes everything.
i don't miss the jerk who doesn't believe in love anymore.
i don't miss the guy who breaks girls' hearts and thinks nothing of it.
i don't miss the guy who thinks that relationships are all fun and games, the one who thinks its all just a joke.
i never knew him.
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i don't miss you. i miss who you used to be. i miss the sweet

3 faves · Jan 31, 2009 6:44pm





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