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im sorry but..
how can i put this? what we have - what we had -
was great. it's hard to explain, but i need you to understand this.
so i'm going to try as hard as i can to make this easy.
i'd try to make it painless, but even if it is painless for you,
it won't be for me. i will always love you in some way.
but we can't keep arguing like this. we can't keep fighting
and pretending it's okay anymore.our relationship is wrapped
in fake smiles and broken hearts that are still beating,
but just barely. we can't go on like this.
i'm sorry. this is why we need to go our
separate ways.
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im sorry but.. how can i put this? what we have - what we had

0 faves · Jan 31, 2009 6:42pm





break up