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Chapter 1 part 2
About one hour later, I was so drunk. 
I could tell he was too. I didn't even know the guy's name.
"Kiss me," he said.
I just giggled. "I don't even know you!"
He pulled me closer and we began to kiss, at first it was slow, but then it was harder.
I could taste the scent of beer in my mouth. 
Some people were taking pictures but I didn't care. I was having fun.
"RYAN!?!!?!!?!?" A girls voice screamed.
The guy pulled away, I guessed Ryan was his name.
"No not yet, " I laughed as I started kissing him again.
The girl came up to us and seperated us.
She pulled her hand back, then slapped me right across the face.
"YOU woman!!! WHY ARE YOU MAKING OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND?" she was close to tears.
I don't see why she wasn't. I felt so bad, I had no clue he had a girlfriend.
She had every right to slap me.
I was so drunk, I didn't even know what I was doing.
I was so embarrassed.
There were some people staring, then Jessica came.
"C'mon let's go!" She pulled my hand then we quickly left.
It was so cold outside, but thankfully, my cheeks began to cool down.
They were bright red of embarrassment.
"What happened in there?!" Jessica wondered.
I was silent. She turned on the car then I turned on the radio.
"I made a huge mistake,"I explained myself, " I made out with a random guy who had a girlfriend. I feel terrible." 
"Oh." Jessica was finding the words to say,
trying to make me feel better, "Well you were drunk! You didn't know!!"
"Jessica! I saw people taking pictures. What if they end up on the newspaper??" I cried.
"It won't show on the newspaper. "  She reasoned.

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Secrets Chapter 1 part 2 About one hour later, I was so drunk.

8 faves · Feb 15, 2012 12:21am






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