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A Price to Pay
Part 3 Chapter 14

After awhile of just sitting there at Jack's grave, Jeremy came and retrieved me. "Hey are you ready to go?" I nodded my head and then look back one more time at the headstone, "You know you went way too soon. Tomorrow's your birthday, the big 19. You went way too soon Jack, way too soon..." Then I slowly got up, brushed the tears out of my eyes, and silently found Jeremy's hand. We walked to the car in silence, and we didn't speak until we left the cemetery. Once we got out Jeremy cleared his throat and said, "I guess we should go pick up Faith." I nodded my head, "Yeah, and she hasn't texted or called so, I mean that's a good thing." Jeremy nodded his head, "Yeah I hope so, I mean I've never met him so..." I shook my head, "He's not abusive Jeremy. Remember he came to Faith aunt's house just to beg to be apart of Sarah's life." he shrugged his shoulders, "I guess." Jeremy turned down Griffin's street and slowly parked into his driveway. I got out of the car and rang the door bell. Faith came to the door with Sarah in Griffin's arms. Faith smiled at me. I sighed a sigh of relief; everything went well. "Hi." Griffin smiled at me. I forced a smile back, I didn't exactly trust him. "Hi, so... Um Faith you ready to go...?" She smiled, "Yep, just gimme a sec." I nodded my head and got back in the car. After awhile Faith came in, "So what happened?" I asked nervously. She smiled, "He apologized, gave Sarah a thousand dollars, and we're back together." Jeremy and I gasped, "Back together?" "One thousand dollars?" Jeremy and I asked at the same time. Faith smiled and nodded, "Yes and yes! It's perfect!" I gave her a confused glance, "You actually trust him?" she nodded, "I have to Amy, I don't have a choice, besides he gave Sarah a thousand dollars!" I shrugged my shoulders, "I trust you, and I'm glad your happy." I said. Faith kept smiling, "Yep, oh and Jeremy turn down this road and then take a left, and then I'm the third house down." I turned around in my carseat, "I thought you were gonna swing by my house?" she have me a sympathetic look, "I was but, I miss my parents a lot..." I nodded my head, "Oh... Right sorry." I said. In a few minutes Jeremy and I were saying good bye and promising to pick her up at 7:00 the next morning. Once she got in the house Jeremy started driving to my house. "Nervous?" I asked. He shook his head, "Of course not, they already love me." I rolled my eyes, "They met you once, airhead." he smiled, "Well it doesn't matter what they think, besides your sister might lighten the mood and for the record they met me twice." I giggled, that was true. "Don't rely on my sister, and whatever once twice, same thing!" I said while Jeremy pulled into my driveway. "Let's do this" he said while helping me out of the car. I smiled, "Let's do it."

Fave/comment! Ok so sorry it was short but this is my SECOND CHAPTER of the night... And valentine's day is affecting my writing, I was so close to just killing them all... Lol but I didn't sooooo imma gonna stop writing for the night :) If you didnt read my first chapter of the night I hope your not confused... Love y'all... Once again, this is JULIE14472!!! follow!(:
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A Price to Pay Part 3 Chapter 14 After awhile of just sitting

7 faves · Feb 14, 2012 7:43pm






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