Witty Profiles

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You won't get it.
Chapter 3

The next day was Thursday.
Another day at school.
I was really worn out from the concert last night,
not that anyone at school knew.
I put my beautiful blonde hair under a red curly-ish wig.
Painted freckles on my face.
And did my makeup really....weird.
You would never think I was Mollee James.
Here at Lane Tech, I was Emily Gliva.
No one talked to me, except Alex.
Alex is my bestfriend, the only person at school that knows about my little secret that I've got going on.
No one understands why we're friends.
He's a jock.
I'm a "Loser".
These people are going to get really confused when Justin Bieber starts hanging out with me and Alex.
This kid is going to accidently call me Mollee..
The end of my life.
I flipping hate Justin Bieber.

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You won't get it. Chapter 3 The next day was Thursday. Another

2 faves · Feb 14, 2012 7:27pm






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