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Just beautitful me
Chapter 2
“Jack, keep driving” I screamed practicly screaming at him.
“Megan, what’s wrong? Should I call the cops?” Jack said, obviously freaking out at my behavior.
“No, no, its just pull away hurry!” I was in tears now. This was really happening. They have come for me. It was time.
Jack tried to pull his car out of my drive way, but the wheels wouldn’t work. We sat there.
I had to prepare myself how to explain this to Jack.
“Jack, come inside with me. I’ll promise to explain everything once this is all over ok?”
Jack nodded.
We walked up to the front door of the house and I pushed it open.
Inside, I found exactly what I feared I would find.
The back wall of my living room was turned into a projection screen, and from the screen I saw my mom and dad. Tied up, with duck tape over their mouth.
Then he came on the screen. His face was scarier than I ever thought possible.
“Larissa Jackson, if you ever want your parents back, you know what you must accomplish in order to do so don’t you. I am challenging you to a duel. You versus me. In true form. Tonight at seven pm sharp.” He started evilly laughing as the screen faded to black.
Jack looked absolutely terrified.
This was going to be a lot of explaining to do.


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Just beautitful me Chapter 2 “Jack, keep driving”

3 faves · Feb 11, 2012 1:59pm






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