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Just beautitful me
Chapter 1:
If there was one person on the entire planet that loved me, for myself, it was Jack. Somehow through the years Jack and I became best friends. Jack’s that six foot two inch hockey player that all the girls fall for. But somehow, little 5 feet 5 inch 130 pound girl became friends with him. To be honest, I love him. I could never have him though; he always tells me how he never wants to date anyone. Which sucks, but whatever.
Jack and I have always been really good friends, which has worked to my advantage because once Jack befriended me, I haven’t been beat up by as many people. Jack knows I get bullied, sometimes I wonder if he is just friends with me because he feels bad for me.
I don’t think he is though. I think Jack actually see’s me as a normal person. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to be thought of as. I don’t need to be thought of as a goddess, in fact, I would probably hate that.
“Meggy-moo, do you need a ride home?” Jack said as he walked up to me hauling around his thirty pound hockey bad.
“Sure thanks Jackie” I responded and laughed, he hated being called Jackie. He said it sounds girly.
We walked about five minutes to his car at the opposite side of the school just laughing about nonsense until we got into his car. Jack’s parents were like super rich and he drove around a mustang everywhere. I’m not going to lie, I totally envied his car. It was a beauty.
We pulled up to my house and as soon as he pulled into the driveway I saw it.
This was not going to be good


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Just beautitful me Chapter 1: If there was one person on the

3 faves · Feb 11, 2012 1:56pm






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