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Count the Stars
Chapter 5
I stared at my closet, my eyes searching for something to wear down at the beach.  Eventually, I just gave up and grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a tee shirt to go over my blue bathing suit. 
I grabbed a sweatshirt too, in case it got cold later that night at the bon fire. 
I ran down stairs and called to my dad,
"Hey I'll be down at the beach tonight!" 
I heard a faint 'Alright' coming from the basement
as I walked out the door.
When I got down to the beach,
I saw Katie waving at me and beaconing me to come over. 
She was laying on a towel tanning with another girl,
while the boys were playing frisbee. 
"Hey, Faith!  How's your head feelin'?" she asked. 
"Great!" I replied.  I saw Tommy jog over here and he said,
"Faith!  Do you wanna join us in our game of frisbee?" 
I smiled and replied, "No thanks, I think getting hit in the head with a volley ball is good enough for me.  I dont need another head injury from a frisbee too." 
Tommy laughed and said, "Alright.  We'll be setting up the grill in about an hour."

Everything was going great right now. 
If this keeps up, this summer will be awesome! 
But little did I know everything was about to get much more complicated.

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Count the Stars Chapter 5 I stared at my closet, my eyes searching

2 faves · Feb 8, 2012 10:31pm






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