Witty Profiles

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1- Your biggest fear
2- Who you miss the most
3- Your religion
4- Your biggest mistake

5- A love
6- Who hurt you 
the most
7- Your worst habbit
8- Your current relationship status
9- Who you like
10- Why you like them ^
11- Where everything went wrong
12- Your dreams
13- Happiest moment of your life
14- Your favorite person
15- Why you last cried
16- Why you were last in the hospital
17- Who you last kissed
18- Your best friend
19- How you would change your past
20- Why are you writing this?

17) my last kiss was my ex boyfriend david unfortanitly.. 
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1- Your biggest fear 2- Who you miss the most 3- Your religion

1 faves · Feb 8, 2012 8:12pm





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