Witty Profiles

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What color is his hair? Black
What style is it? short?
What color eyes? like honey :)
Cute smile? duh!
Braces? yess
Glasses? has perfect vision
He has abs? lol, idk
Height? ...tall...haha
What grade is he in? freshman
How did you meet him? At school, World History I believe
How long have you know him? like 7 months
Does he play any sports?  He runs ALOT
Do you guys ever text? liek all the time ^_^
How about AIM: um, no
Have you "liked" his profile picture? lol idk
Has he ever written on your wall? I cant remember
Describe something he would wear on a typical day. American Eagle XD
What's your favorite thing you've seen him wear? haha, idkk
Least favorite thing? there isnt one
Do your friends know that you like him? i would hope they do by now
Do any of your teachers know that you like him? some :)
Do your parents know he exists? OHh YYeah..
Do you think they would like him if you were dating him? They already do :)
Have you met his parents? YES!! and they are amazing :P
What would you do if he saw your witty? Well i cant really share what i would want to now that he knows my account name :P
well i cant really shaer 
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Him. What color is his hair? Black What style is it? short? What

2 faves · Feb 7, 2012 6:58pm






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