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To all the girls out there:
It doesn't matter if you are
short or tall
big or small
have boobs or not
what size your butt is
what your hair looks like
the color of your skin
the brand of clothes you are wearing
You are beautiful
and never ever let anyone tell you otherwise!


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To all the girls out there: It doesn't matter if you are

4 faves · 2 comments · Feb 7, 2012 5:57pm






regychacha · 1 decade ago
Thank you!
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angelieslee · 1 decade ago
the most beautiful quote on witty :)
don't understand why it has only 3 faves though, ? :O well, people don't appreciate good quotes, they just care of ''who wrote it''...only the same on the top quotes, if you know what I mean :/
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