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Girls who starve themselves to make themselves look like the skinny girls in the magazines, did you guys know that making a models MAKEUP takes normally 3hours...I doubt you guys take that long, maybe 20minutes? Thats just a third of the work.After the makeup it's the pictures, after the pictures it's the editing, not like small edits MASSIVE EDITS as in make legs look longer faces thinner and hair bigger, girls this is FAKE, F-A-K-E. Boys DON'T like skinny girls that are so skinny you can see their bones, they like Curves not Straight. Perfect is you..naturally.
The only edit I do to myself is my teeth...so there whiter xD.
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EVERYONELISTEN! Girls who starve themselves to make themselves

1 faves · 1 comments · Feb 7, 2012 4:15pm






BeeMYSunshine · 1 decade ago
i like this quote; its true those girls are fake good message in the beggining,, bad ending.. not all girls want to be skinny.. my bestfriends name is nikki and she is 14 and she looks like shes 70 pounds, and shes super tall, she should atleast be 100 but its not her fault she eats and eats and eats but she cant gain weight and her famaily doesnt have alot of money to feed her and her brothers alot. she gets called anorexic all the time and it makes her cry. ive only seen that girl cry once, and its when a boy called her anorexic, he wasnt even her friend... shes strong.. but its not her fault shes skinny, theree are mannnnyyy like this. not hating on ur quote. its a good one,, just trying to stand up for my babygirl.
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