Witty Profiles

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Chapter 4.

Cody and Justin took me out to a restaurant, which I had no idea what the name of it was, but the food was good. The conversation started out awkward. Not knowing either of them very well made me nervous. They were two of the biggest superstars, and my two top inspirations. It was my opportunity to finally get to thank them for everything. And I was chickening out. I was quite a shy girl… so I understood why I wasn’t talking, but I hated myself for it. I was going to regret not saying anything. “So, I would just like to thank both of you, from the bottom of my hearts for being you. For um, just singing and sharing your stories with the world! You two are what made me keep singing, when no one supported me, I turned to you guys, even though you didn’t know it, you helped get me through a lot,” I said, taking another sip of my diet coke. “Not a problem, Lilly!” Cody said. “Yeah, Lilly, I’m so glad you told me that, stories like yours keep me going as well,” Justin added. “Well, I’m glad I got a chance to thank you two,” I said. “I’m glad I got a chance to meet you,” Cody said, starring straight into my eyes. I nearly lost my breath. His eyes were so… dare I say it, dreamy! Like the rare color of aqua, I could get lost in them if I looked too much longer. “So, what do you want to do today?” Justin asked. I couldn’t believe I was getting to spend the day with Justin and Cody too if he was coming along. What girl in the world wouldn’t want to be me right now? I laughed at that. “We could go to the beach?” Cody suggested. “I don’t have a bathing suit,” I said, sadly… wishing I had brought one. “Don’t worry, you can borrow one of my sisters, we can make a stop at my house for a few minutes,” Cody said. “Uh, bro, I don’t have one either,” Justin said. “I would say you could borrow one, but I think you’d be a different size, isn’t there anywhere you could get one? We could even go buy on at that shop,” Cody said pointing to a small surf store across the road from the restaurant. It sounded like Cody really wanted to go to the beach! But I had no objection. I mean, beach equals bathing suits, guys in bathing suits or trunks equals shirtless. And to see Cody and Justin shirtless would be quite a sight, even though it would probably be the last thing I saw, because I’d end up hyperventilating and fainting, but its all good, I laughed to myself. It seemed I was having quite the conversation in my head about this. Have you ever been in a situation where you figure if anyone can read minds, you’d be quite embarrassed? Well this is what I was thinking right now. What If one of them could read my mind? I looked up and no one looked suspicious. I laughed at that silly thought. I was over thinking everything I did. I didn’t dare move an inch in the chair without thinking about it, thinking that maybe on of the guys thought I was uncomfortable, or fan-girling, and left. I had to keep my cool. “Yeah, I guess that could work,” Justin said. We paid for lunch and started walking to Cody’s house. Apparently it was closer than I had thought. We got to the door, it was bigger than my house to tell you that! we walked inside and up the stairs to his room. He told his sister that I was a new friend, which I liked the sound of, and asked her if I could borrow a bathing suit. She agreed and brought me into her room, and Justin followed Cody into his. “So, Lilly is it? How did you meet my brother?” She asked sitting on her bed. “Oh, I was on Ellen today and…” I started. “Oh right! Cody told me he was surprising a fan, is that you?” She looked concerned. “Yup,” “Well, it was extremely nice of him to bring you home!” she laughed. “Yeah, well there was nothing better to do than to go sight seeing today, so Justin and Cody offered to take me around, It was really nice of them,” I agreed. “So you guys are off to the beach now? Mind if I come?” She asked. “Sure, no problem! That’d be awesome,” I agreed. I wasn’t trying to use Alli, I honestly thought it would be fun for her to come along. But if I became friends with her, I could become friends with Cody. So many years of wishing I could just meet him! Now I would get a chance to become friends with him? Alli was two years younger than me, which meant she was my sister’s age. They would actually get along very well, I thought. So that made me one year older than Cody and two years younger than Justin. I had figured this all out before, but I was refreshing my mind. “Ah, you need a swim suit, here pick from these,” She said, pulling out a drawer with tons of bikinis and swim suits. I was about 5 inches and 2 sizes bigger than Alli, considering she was like 12, it was understandable. “Hmm,” She said, and picked out a black and white, polka dot bikini with hot pink strings, and handed it to me. It was a strapless top. “I got this one like 1 week ago, it’s a bit big for me, It should fit you well,” She said, smiling and showed me where the bathroom was to try it on. I waited at the door, because someone was in there. Rushing out, we collided. His bare chest rammed against me. I put my hands out to block myself. I looked up at him. “Oh, sorry…” he started, my hands still resting on his skin. I didn’t say anything. If this had been a movie, you would have said we were having a “moment”.
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Enchanted. Chapter 4. Cody and Justin took me out to a restaurant,

1 faves · Feb 7, 2012 7:38am






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