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I miss you.
Chapter 10

I could have said anything, anything. But all that came out was: "Oh, um, uh..."
So I stood there frozen on the spot, looking into his deep brown eyes.
"Hi, Kylie." He smiled.
"Hi, uh, Josh." I looked down at the ground. Why I couldn't face him? I had no idea.
"I'm so sorry about the lemonade. Here, I'll ask for napkins." I said, turning into the directions of the consession stand.
"No, no. Don't worry about it. Really. I have more shirts, you know."
He grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to turn towards him.
My cheeks turned red, and my hands got all sweaty.
Snap out of it! A voice in my head said. You have a boyfriend, and you shouldn't be drooling over Josh. Your mother just died. Get a hold of yourself!
I shook my head.
"No, let me get you napkins." I turned around quickly, grabbed a handful of napkins, and shoved them into Josh's chest, a little harder than I meant to.
"Oh, uh, thanks.. You okay?" He asked me.
"Fine. Now, I have to go. I'm sorry."
I ran past him and headed towards the stairs.
I kept going at a pretty fast rate because I didn't want Josh to catch up with me.
That little voice in my head was right. I have a boyfriend.
Is this considered cheating?
Well, I don't think so. I mean, it's not like Josh and I are physically doing anything.
When I got to my floor, I hurried down the hal, put the key into the lock, and pushed the door open.
I flumped on the bed, drowning in my thoughts.
Mom is gone. Why am I so into Josh? I shouldn't even be into Brandon!
My main focus needs to be on Mom and Dad.
What about the investigation?
I need to know if Mom was murdered, and who did it.
They won't get away with something like that.
I looked at Dad. Still sleeping? Yep.
I shook him to wake him up.
"Uhh, uhmf, Kylie? What time is it?" He struggled to say.
"10:30." I replied.
"Dad, get up. I want to leave this hotel." I told him.
"What? We can't. You know that."
"Please, Daddy. Anyother hotel would be okay." I pleaded.
"Kylie, please! Just shutup! We can't go anywhere! Suck it up!" He yelled.


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I miss you. Chapter 10 I could have said anything, anything.

3 faves · 1 comments · Feb 6, 2012 8:12pm






lilyrain · 1 decade ago
Why did you stop writing?
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