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Love Always Finds Its Way

Chapter 24
Aly's P.O.V.
Tony was slowly pulling the cover away from my right arm
I shut my eyes tight in pain
Tony’s eyes widened to what he saw
“Aly, w-why did you do this?” he said shocked
I looked at him in silence
He ran to my bathroom and got a towel & wrapped it around my arm
“We need to get you to the hospital now” Tony said as he helped me up from the bed
“Can you walk?” Tony said his voice fading
The room started spinning
And it seemed like I couldn’t keep my focus in one place
For about 5 seconds everything turned black but I had my eyes opened
Tony was freaking out as he carried be all the way down the stairs and out the front door to his car
I heard the car door slam shut and he got in the drivers seat
He speeded off to the hospital
“Aly, listen to me Al, you have to stay awake please Aly, stay awake as long as you can, listen to my voice can you hear me? Nod if you can” I could barely make out the words Tony was saying
They seemed to echo in my head
I nodded forcefully
I heard the car door slam but now I couldn’t see anything
My right arm hurt so much I was clenching my teeth together trying to ignore the pain
Tony carried me into the emergency door
“Help, please my girlfriend is bleeding she’s lost a lot of blood please help” Tony yelled
I can’t remember anything after that
I woke up what seemed like minutes later on a hospital bed
Tony’s P.O.V.
I watched as they took Aly away down the hall running into a room
I waited and waited and waited for about 5 hours
I cried a while because I felt I couldn’t help her in any way
I felt I was to blame if anything happened to her for leaving her at her house alone when I knew what she was going though
I saw the doctor come out of Aly’s room I ran to him
“Doctor, is she going to be okay?” I looked at him
He nodded
“You’re her boyfriend that brought her here, is that right?” the doctor spoke with a calm tone
I nodded
“Is she going to be alright?” I asked nervously
“She’s going to be fine, you brought her in at just the right time before something worst happened” the doctor said with a smile
I let out a deep breath feeling relived Aly was okay
“Can I see her?” I asked
He smiled and nodded
I opened the door of the room she was in and stepped inside 


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Love Always Finds Its Way Chapter 24 Aly's P.O.V. Tony was

5 faves · 1 comments · Feb 5, 2012 12:30pm






pakiprincezz4 · 1 decade ago
pleaseee write more!! :))
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