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A Price to Pay
Part 3 Chapter 8

"Nervous?" Jeremy asked l while opening the car door for me. I shrugged, "I've been through a lot, I don't think your parents will scare me." I said while clasping my hand into his. "Wait, Amy, before you go in you should know that they are blunt and their only motive is success. So if I say that I'm not going to go pro in soccer, don't freak out. And when they ask you say your going to college for soccer but also say what your majoring in." I nodded my head, trying to absorb all the information. Something was gnawing in the pit of my stomach, "Jeremy, what if they don't like me?" I said in a small voice. He smiled and gave me a kiss, "If they don't like you then they're crazy." I sighed trying to get all that bad mojo out of me, but I still felt the butterflies. Jeremy and I walked to the door and stepped in. The hallway was simple and neat, but when I stepped into the big dining room I gasped. The room was beautiful and rich looking. There was a giant chandler overlooking the oak table. Jeremy's words popped back into my head 'their only motive is success' I guess he wasn't joking. "Mom, dad? Amy and I are here!" A few moments later an accomplished man and women entered. The women, Mrs. McKinley, was average but had a winning smile just like Jeremy. The man, Mr. McKinley, was handsome in an older man sort of way. I guess I know where all Jeremy's looks came from. "Amy, we have heard so much about you! It's nice to finally put a face to your description!" I smiled, "It's a pleasure meeting you too, Mrs. McKinley." I said while shaking her hand. "Jeremy has just been head over heels for you." Mr. McKinley said while shaking my hand. Jeremy's mom showed us to the living room, which was equally as beautiful. Jeremy and I sat on a rich purple love seat, and Mr. and Mrs. McKinley sat across from us on a matching sectional. "So Amy, why don't you tell us something about yourself." Mrs. McKinley said. I took a deep breath and said, "Well my best friend and I both moved here last summer to attend St. Sebastian's. I just got accepted into the University of Miami on a scholarship for soccer, oh and I'm majoring in History." Jeremy squeezed my hand. Mr. McKinley smiled and said, "That's amazing! You must be very bright." I blushed and said, "I wouldn't go that far." Jeremy's mom asked, "What about  your past? Like before you came here." I swallowed, my past? My past wasn't to good... Thankfully Jeremy spoke up, "Mom Amy doesn't like to talk about it." he said frankly. His mom raised her eyebrow, "Was it that bad? Get kicked out? Pregnant? Failed?" she asked suspiciously. Anger flooded through me, "No. My parents separated, and my boyfriend died in a car crash" I said in a strong tone, "So if that's your definition of bad than yes." I clenched my free hand into a fist, digging my nails into my palm. Jeremy's parents looked shocked. Mr. McKinley spoke up first, " I'm so sorry. My wife didn't mean any disrespect." I sighed out my last breath of anger, "It's ok, I know that you guys weren't planning on me saying that." Jeremy looked mad and rather embarrassed, "I told you to drop it that she didn't want to talk about it, and what do you do? You ignore me! Whatever we're going to my room." Jeremy said while tugging me up the stairs. I glanced back at his parents and gave them an apologetic glance. When we were in Jeremy's room I sighed a breath of relief. "Thanks for sticking up for me." I said in a small voice. Jeremy looked mad, "They invade everyone's privacy! I will not them do that to you." I smiled and walked up to him, "You know what I think?" I said in a seductive voice. "What?" he replied. "That when your mad you get really sexy." I said while giving him a kiss. Jeremy smiled and started kissing me back. In between his kisses he said, "You know when your really sexy?" I whispered in his ear, "When?" he kissed my neck, "All the time."

A few minutes later we found ourselves entwined on his bed. He was holding me with his strong arms. No one was talking, but we didn't have to. We just sat there, our love radiating out of us. After a while we heard a soft knock on the door and Mrs. McKinley's head stuck out, "It's almost dinner time, be down in ten minutes." Jeremy nodded his head. Then we heard the door shut and his mom walking back down the steps. Once the coast was clear Jeremy jumped up and walked to his dresser, "I almost forgot, when I got home from your house I also got a letter." he said while holding it up. "What college?" I asked. Jeremy smiled secretively, "The only college my parents don't know I entered in." I smiled, "Which one?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. "University of Miami, for soccer" I stood up with him, "are you going to open it?" Jeremy looked nervous, "You open it for me." I shook my head, "I already opened three today. It's your turn to put your big boy pants on." Jeremy rolled his eyes, "Fine." then he tore open the envelope In one swift move. When he finished reading I looked up at his face. He smiled and gave me a big hug, "I made it Amy! I made it! We're going to college together!"

i feel like im losing readers :\ so thanks to all you guys who have been faithfully reading <3
Yay i posted this one myself :)

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A Price to Pay Part 3 Chapter 8 "Nervous?" Jeremy asked

9 faves · Feb 3, 2012 5:00pm






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