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Love Always Finds Its Way

Chapter 19
Tony’s face became blank with no emotion when he saw the name on my phone lighting up
I looked at Tony as he looked at me
“How is that possible?” Tony said looking at me
I looked at my phone that was still ringing
What if Adam told the officer to say that he was dead?
What if this was all a lie and nothing ever happened to Adam?
My heart was pounding and my voice shook when I answered
“H-hello?” I said
“Aly, liked my little prank about me being dead?” Adam’s voice on the other end answered
I put the phone on speaker so Tony could hear
“So did you? I bet you cried” Adam continued
“The officer said you were dead, where are you?” I said trying to sound worried but I was more terrified
“I’m watching you Aly, very very closely, watch out because I might come and get you this time, and really kill you” Adam said
Those words made me get goose bumps.
This had to be some kind of prank I thought to myself
I looked at Tony who was completely in shock just as much as me
“Where are you?” I asked
“Look outside your little boyfriend’s house” Adam said
I looked at Tony then Tony looked at me we were both terrified by this point
Tony and I both got up me still holding my phone on speaker in my hand and heading downstairs
Tony slowly pulled his curtain just so his eye would get to see outside
Tony quickly pulled it back
“I told you I’m here” Adam said hanging up
Suddenly the door bell rang
I looked at Tony and Tony looked at me frightened
He took my hand and we went all the way around his house to the back door the lead to the back yard
“Shhhhh, be quiet try not to make any noise just follow me” Tony said as he closed the back door
Suddenly we heard someone banging violently on the front door
Suddenly we heard footsteps going thought the house
I was shaking as Tony took my hand and we ran to the front of the house
We stopped at the corner before getting close to the windows
“My car, we have to make it, think you can do it?” Tony said looking at me
I nodded unable to talk because all of this felt so unreal
How could this be happening?  

getting intresting now huh?
thank you to everyone that reads (:
i love you guys ♥
will anyone give me feedback on my story so far ? do you like it ?
id help alot to get some ideas on what else to put in my story (:
im about to end the story just a couple of more chapters to go
so please help me out it would mean alot to me
thank you (:

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Love Always Finds Its Way Chapter 19 Tony’s face became

11 faves · Feb 3, 2012 4:32pm






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