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girls, i need advice!!!
okay so i've like this guy since seventh grade. so, about 3 and a half years. we rarely talk. if we do, its about a 30 second conversation. anyway, he recently broke up with his girlfriend and i felt bad for him because he had all these upsetting status's on facebook. i was going to message him on facebook but i didnt know what to say, so i didnt. all of my friends were saying "hurry up and try to talk to him before his ex tries to get back with him" because that is what she was planning on doing. and at the end of the day today they ended up getting back together. but i had no idea what to say because we rarely talk. so girls, what do you think i should do? i want to become friends with him but unfortunitly i dont have any classes with him anymore and i barely see him in the hallways at school thank  you so much if you actually read this. thank you. y,
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girls, i need advice!!! okay so i've like this guy since

1 faves · 1 comments · Feb 3, 2012 3:52pm






SnowTigerRoar · 1 decade ago
aww hunn, personally what i would do is ask him is hes ok, try and have a heart to heart convosation, let him know your there for him whenever he needs you and near the end of the convosation sum it all up example "im always here for you (insert his name here) and i want you to know that, i hope your ok (include abit of what you were talking about)" i hope this has helped you, if you wanna talk to me comment back <3 always here
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