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We walked into school. not holding hands, we just walked in. No biggy. We walked to my locker and i got out my books. I shut it gently.and turned to face Darren.
"Does this meant were officail?" He asked I admit,i was a little shocked. I shrugged. I didnt know the awnser.
"It was one kiss." He said. He hesitated. He lowered his voice a little.
"Meet me at the beach, 6pm." He said. I nodded and bit my lip i looked up to him. His lips.
"I have algebra." I whispered. 
"I'll walk you." He said. I nodded. Why am i so shy!? Eurgh.

He said 6 right? Yeah. its 4'o''clock. I walked into my wardrobe.I picked out a short black zip up dress with some heels, I applied my make up and jewlery. Then I straightened my hair.
5:57pm. I walked there and saw Darren. 
"Darren!" I shouted.I took off my shoes.I started to walk over, until I saw a girl run up and jump on him they started to kiss. I would of  ran away but instead i took off my clothes to reveal my bikini and shoved my clothes in a bag. 
I walked past them and lay down a towel. I Yanked the girls hair as i walked by. 
"OW!" She Yelled. I Smirked. Darren looked at me eyes wide."Oh Hi Darren. I didnt exspect to see you suckig a girls face off on are date!" I said.  "No its n-" I Slapped him. hard. I put my dress on and ran home crying.I ran into my house and bumped into someone.
"Sorry." I sniffed.


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Broken.CHAPTER FOUR.We walked into school. not holding hands,

5 faves · Feb 3, 2012 12:21pm






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