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Quote #5050352

4 faves · 1 comments · Feb 2, 2012 10:46pm






Nappi101 · 1 decade ago
Sweetie I feel you. My ex and I dated for two months and one day he was just being really mean to me for no reason so I shrugged it off. It was a Friday and I was like alright whatever. He's probably got something going on at home or whatever. Then my school had a dance and we were slow dancing and he kept saying he loved me and HE kissed ME 3 times. (It was unexpected for me... I'm not a huge fan of PDA...) Then on Halloween he saw me, after we like parted he broke up with me through text, keep in mind I had seen him 5 minutes before... And then he claims to 'not have liked me since before the dance' I was like Wtf? Why'd you kiss me so many times if you didn't like me? I wasn't trying to kiss him! I was just like asjkdfhgrbiweuwb! Lol
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