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If You Love Me Let Me Know

He came back to school today. It's been two weeks since I last saw him. I still can't believe what I did. I messed up any chance I ever had with him. He'll probably never talk to me again. I saw my bestfriend, Izzy, standing at her locker. When she saw me she decided to scream halfway down the hall, "Addison! Get your cute butt over here right now!" Ugh, Izzy knew he was back. I don't want to deal with her pestering me to talk to him. She runs over to my locker and says, "Today's the day girl! You have to do it. You can't just randomly kiss a guy out of the blue and then never talk to him again!" I'm trying to get my books out of my locker with Izzy right in my ear. It's really annoying. He catches my eye as he walks by with his bestfriend, Ethan. I really should talk to him, but he probably doesn't want to talk to me.
"No, I can't do it Izz. You weren't there. You didn't see the look on his face hen I pulled away. If he wanted anything to do with me he would've talked to me by now."
"Come on, Addy, you know that's not true at all. I see the way he looks at you everyday in the hallway! He's totally got the hots for you! Just make a damn move already. Maybe he liked the kiss. I know I'd like a kiss from the hottest girl in the school." I laughed sarcastically then punched her in the arm.  
"Oh, be quiet Izzy, I'm not hot at all. He hates me. Look, he just walked by and completely ignored me. Or maybe it's cause you're standing here. I wouldn't want to talk to you either. You're super annoying! Haha." She hit me with her binder jokingly, slammed my locker shut and grabbed my arm.
"Let's go, we're gonna be late for Bush's class."

 On our way to Chemistry I notied him at his locker trying to do things with only one hand. "Izz, should I ask if he wants help?" 
"Yeah, but do not mention anything about the kiss. I'll tell Bush you were helping the crippled so you won't get detention. Now hurry your cute butt over there and help him!"
I walk over to his locker slowly. He dropped a book and I picked it up for him. He looks up and realizes that it'sme and quickly, he looked away. "Hey, Noah. Feeling better?"
"Uh, thanks. And yeah, a lot better."
"Well that's good, uhm, do you need me to carry your books?"
"Nah, I'm good, thanks though." As soon as he said that he shut his locker and dropped all of his books. He looked up at me and said, "On second thought, would you mind?"
"Haha, of course not. Where's your class?"
"Uh, 149. Chem, with Bush I think she said?"
"That's my class! When did you get switched in?"
"Today, the intensive class was too easy, thought I'd try honors."
"Oh, that's cool. Maybe I could carry your books for you everyday?"
"Yeah, that'll work." I smiled at myself while we walked down the hallway. I probably looked like a fool, but I don't care. As long asyou're talking to me, I don't care.
We go into Bush's room and Izzy turns around and smiles at me. I take you to Bush's desk and he tells you that you'll be sitting at the empty seat at my table! Yay! I bring your books over and put them down. Izzy greets us both and starts writing something on a piece of paper, while I try and make conversation.
"So, Noah, how long do you have to wear your sling?"
"The orthopedic said at least 12 weeks, but I'm gonna take it off before then."
"But don't you have to? It won't completely heal will it?"
"Ha, the last coupleof weeks are just for security I think.." 
"So, Noah, how long do you have to wear your sling?"
"The orthopedic said at least 12 weeks, but I'm gonna take it off before then."
"But don't you have to? It won't completely heal will it?"
"Ha, the last coupleof weeks are just for security I think.." 
Bush started the class before I got a chance to respond.
"Okay, time for a pop quiz on everything we've learned this year. Get out something to write with and no talking. You may begin as soon as you get the paper. Good luck." Just then Izzy passes me a note. 
"So, how did it go with Mr. Yummy?!" I rolled my eyes at her but responded.
"It went pretty good with 'Mr. Yummy'. Ah, he's so hot! haha."
"What did you guys talk about?"
"Nothing really, but I'm gonna carry his books everyday!"
"Yay! Maybe he forgot all about the hospital!"
"No, I don't think he did. He was a little awkward when I first walked up to him. Hopefully he's over it though."
"Hopefuly he's not! I hope it's driving him crazy and he thinks about you 24/7! About how good the kiss was and how hot you are!"
"Haha you're crazy! But I kinda hope he is too. I think I love him.."
"Girls, that better not be a note being passed between the two of you."
"Oh it's not Mr Bush, it's just a piece of paper that was on the table. Izzy just completely lied. But I'm okay with it. As long as I don't get a zero on my quiz!
"Mhm, you better hope so. Will one of you kindly get up and throw it away?"
"Sure thing Mr. Bush." Izzy got up to throw it away. As she threw it in the recycling bin I realized she didn't rip it up. I started freaking out. Then the bell rang, and I grabbed Noah's books. He got up to throw something away. I saw him pull the little piece of paper out of the recycling bin. He is about to read everything I just said about him.
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If You Love Me Let Me Know chapter2;Addison He came back to school

2 faves · Jan 29, 2012 11:40pm






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