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I miss you. I miss long car rides to your hockey games. I miss our silly string fights. I miss the sound of my laughter from your stupidity. I miss texting all day. I miss all of the cute texts. I miss our phone calls. I miss our late night swims over the summer. I miss laying down all day and doing absolutely nothing,and still having a great time. I miss when you and my brother would gang up on me. I miss playing hide and seek with your little siblings. I miss how protective you were of me.I miss seeing you hyper. I miss being competitve with you. I miss you making me feel like I was on the top of the world. I miss the crazy things we'd do together.I miss your kisses.I miss your hugs.I miss your sweet smile.I miss your laugh. I miss telling you everything. I miss being myself around you. I miss doing everything together. I miss you so much.
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I miss you. I miss long car rides to your hockey games. I miss

2 faves · Jan 29, 2012 3:21pm






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