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January 25 was my daddy's birthday. He died January 22 2001. I'm almost 15 now, but as the years keep passing by, it feels like a die a little more inside. I get so depressed sometimes, I resort to cutting. I know it's bad, and i've tried to stop but it's like an addiction. Some people think that since you physically abuse yourself your phycotic. But no that's not the case, most people are done with their lives, but can resort to suicide. Some are depressed, and unhappy about their looks or body. Me, I miss my dad. He'll always be in my heart no matter what, and I know I have to grow up and move on with my life, but for now just for now, I'm going to grieve and cry as much as I want <3
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January 25 was my daddy's birthday. He died January 22 2001.

2 faves · Jan 29, 2012 12:33am






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