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A Price to Pay
Part 3 Chapter 5

After the dinner we headed back to the house with my family, Jeremy, Faith's aunt, uncle, child and herself. Once everyone was inside I pulled Jeremy out on the porch with me. He kissed me lightly on the forehead, while motioning me to sit down. Once we were situated he looked deep into eyes, "What's wrong?" I sighed, I guess I really am bad at hiding my emotions. "Jeremy, it's really nothing. I mean really." Jeremy gave me a look telling me he did not believe me. Once again I sighed and looked down, "Jack is going to have a mass in his honor next Saturday." Jeremy put a reassuring arm around my shoulder, "I know it will be hard, but it will be ok." I shook my head, "It's not that, I mean it is but not really, it's just that... You." I said in a jumble. Jeremy looked confused, "Me? Why?" I looked down in embarrassment, "I don't know if I can do it without you... I mean you understand Jack and I hope he understands you, it's just I can't go back there with his family with you..." When I looked up I could see that Jeremy was touched but slightly hurt. "You don't want people to know about me?" I shook my head, "No I do it's just that Jack died not even a year ago and I have a boyfriend. I can't go back with people thinking I didn't care about him, and that I've moved on..." once the words were out I wished I could take them back, the look on Jeremy's face was mixed with hurt, betrayal, and sympathy. "Jeremy... Please... I didn't mean it like that... I meant for Jack's family..." he nodded his head, "I get what your saying, but Amy people don't just expect you to stop living. I thought you stopped caring what people thought?" I sighed, my eyes stinging with tears, "I'm not Jeremy. Me being ok? It's all a charade. I'm only happy when I'm playing soccer and with you. And I do care what people think of me..." I was trying hard to not cry as Jeremy slowly lifted up my pant leg exposing my scarred skin, "you have these as a reminder, don't let society win Amy." Jeremy stood up and said, "I'll come with you to the mass, but only you can decide how people are going to react." Then he kissed me slowly on the lips and brought me back inside. That night after Jeremy had left and everyone else was asleep, Faith crawled up into my bed with me. "Amy? Are you still awake?" she asked in a sad voice. "Yeah, I'm awake." I sat up in bed and looked up at Faith. I could tell she had been crying, "What's wrong?" I asked even though I clearly knew the answer. "I can't do it Amy... I can't. Griffin can't see her... I won't let him." I put a comforting arm around her, "You don't have to go..." she shook we head violently, "No. I have to go, it's just he left me pregnant and alone." She said while staring at Sarah, who was sleeping in her crib. "Faith, what are you going to do when Sarah's older and she asks about her dad?" Faith shrugged her shoulders, "I'll tell her, he left us." I looked down, "Faith he left you in the beginning, you're pushing him away now..." Faith started crying, "I only want what's best for her. She's my whole world Amy, my whole damn world." I looked up at her shaking body, "I'm not saying to forgive him, I'm just saying let him at least see his daughter."

Fave/comment ahhhh I've been so busy!!! Soo I have a few words of wisdom... We know who we are, but not what we may be -William Shakespeare... And one more thing... Ich liebe dich get better ali krieger (it's a soccer thing... USWNT) The one and only JULIE (julie14472) posted this again for her. I'm just such a nice person. follow meehhh(:
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A Price to Pay Part 3 Chapter 5 After the dinner we headed back

8 faves · Jan 26, 2012 8:13pm






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