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your the sponge to my bob (spongebob)

your the blues to my clues (blues clues)

your the hey to my arnold (hey arnold)

your the cat to my dog  (catdog)

your the powerpuff to my girls (powerpuff girls)

your the cow to my chicken (cow and chicken)

your the johnny to my bravo (johnny bravo)

your the ren to my stimpy (ren and stimpy)

your the run to my rats (rugrats)

your the fosters home to my imaganry friends 

but most of all

your the you in my i love you 

your teh best to my friend 

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your the sponge to my bob (spongebob) your the blues to my clues

2 faves · 1 comments · Jan 23, 2012 10:18pm






dnnigirl428 · 1 decade ago
btw this is all mine so idc if you take stuff from it but dont take this and say it urs cuz i will call you out in a heart beat
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