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Day 1- 15 facts about you ()
Day 2- The initials of the person you loved for the longest.
Ok so the person i've loved the longest well, i guess that depends on the type of context this question is asked in. If were talking about the person who I love the most in the entire world tthen it has to be my older sister,J.P., jaz i cant begin to explain this connection we have its so complex and yet unique that just when ive around everything just dissapears, you are my beacon and yet you  are my sky, In reality ik that you cant read this or understand but some part of me feels like one day you'll be able to know exactly how i feel with emotion so raw, that it pains me to say that one day Ik that your not going to be here anymore and I will be alone, truly alone and in honesty yeah Im pretty afraid but you as a person have taught me to be strong and to not let anyone bring me down and that is what im gonna do so that one day I will make you proud. Now, on the otherhand if were talking about a crush well then thats easy, for those of you who really know me this is so obvious(MyHeartx31 ), but for those who dont please forgive me but Im not going to write his initials in fear that he might see and all that but to describe this person, all i can say is the kindest eyes paired with the kindest heart, your one of my best friends and I would never want to do anything to change that, one day I hope you will open your eyes and see that Im here for real and sincerely care about you in the most honest way, and as much as it hurts me today someday in the future i'll be able to look back on all of our good times and remember that you were there for me.


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30 DAY CHALLENGE Day 1- 15 facts about you (♥) Day 2-

1 faves · Jan 23, 2012 7:31pm






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