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"What's your problem?"
My problem is, You're never there for me. You're a stranger*!
My problem is, You keep yelling at me for the stupidest, smallest things!
My problem is, You keep expecting so much of me, I'm only 13!
My problem is, You're gonna miss my birthday, thanks.
My problem is, I'm literally nothing to you anymore!
My problem is, I can never* hang with my friends cuz you're always busy!
My problem is, I can't tell you anything, bcuz you're always* on the phone with others!
My problem is,  I keep having to goto my friends for help bcuz you're "too busy" when I need help!

My problem is, I feel like I don't even have a mom anymore!!!!


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"What's your problem?" My problem is, You're

1 faves · 1 comments · Jan 20, 2012 9:17pm






NotOfThisWorld · 1 decade ago
When this kind of stuff happens just take a deep breath and do something to take your mind off it for a little bit. Once you've calmed down talk to her about it. Stay strong sweetie! You can make it through this ♥
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