Witty Profiles

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30 Days, 30 Letters♥

day 01- your best friend
day 02- your crush

day 03- Your parents
day 04- your sibling
day 05- your dreams
day 06-a stranger
day 07- your ex boyfriend
day 08 - your favorite internet friend
day 09- someone you wish you could meet
day 10- someone you wish you could talk to more
day 11- To a deceased person you wish you could talk to
day 12- the person you hate the most/ caused you alot of pain
day 13- someone you wish could forgive you
day 14- someone you drifted away from
day 15- the person you miss the most
day 16- someone thats not in the same state
day 17- someone from your childhood.
day 18- someone you wish you could be
day 19- someone that pesters your mind good or bad
day 20- the one who broke your heart the hardest
day 21- someone you judged by your first impression
day 22- someone you want too give a second chance too
day 23- the last person you kissed
day 24- The person that gave you your favirote memory
day 25- the person you know is going through the worst of times.
day 26- the last person you made a pinky promise to
day 27- the friendliest person you knew for only one day.
day 28- someone who changed your life
day 29- someone you want to tell everything too, but your afraid
day 30- your reflection in the mirror

day 10- someone you wish you could talk to more.

Dear Ruthie,
    We were bestfriends in 5th grade, last year i didn't really like you, but this year we're pretty much best friends again. I missed you. I wish we talked more, but the only class we have together is band and Mr. Paradis will yell at us if we talk. And on the bus. But i really want to talk to you, to have stuff to laugh about. But Ruthie, i just want to say that i missed you and im glad we're friends again.

Love, Quinn(:
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30 Days, 30 Letters♥ day 01- your best friend day 02-

1 faves · 2 comments · Jan 18, 2012 5:54pm






LittleMissCheerleader1299 · 1 decade ago
you write a letter a day to a person..its funnn(:
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Ashrox34 · 1 decade ago
i don't get this!!!!!!! haha(:
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