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Well. Willis and I are over. all thanks to the fact that he can't handle when I hang out with my friend. Who happens to be a guy.

Ohkaay... You're probs wondering what the eff I'm talking about.  So I'll explain a little more.
Last night I went to another basketball game, mostly to hang out with Willis. Well, Chase was there so I hung out with him and a few of my other friends. Willis started acting odd. and was across the hall watching the game through the doors.  His friend, Jamie (whom I cannot STAND) came over and told Chase that Willis wanted to fight him, over me. and I went over and asked what his problem was. 
He said he simply doesn't like Chase. The last thing I've said to him so far is "Thanks for the F****ing warning. " and basically we haven't talked since, and we've told most everyone we have broke up. Chase will likely ask me out soon, and I don't know if i should say yes... we both like each other, but I don't know...

Help? :(

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HoldMySecrets? Well. Willis and I are over. all thanks to the

1 faves · 1 comments · Jan 18, 2012 2:58pm






snapple2929 · 1 decade ago
do what your heart tell you to do.
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