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Ways it seems like I love you:
-I think about you a lot
-You're the last time I think about before I go to bed
-I look for quotes that describe us
-You pop into my mind every time I read a love quote
-I've started listening to Taylor Swift
-I understand Taylor's songs, and other love songs
-I miss not talking to you
-I miss not seeing you
-Every wish I make is about you
-I cannot stop thinking about you
-I write you letters that you'll never read
-All my quotes are about you

But I can't. It's not real love. It's more than just liking you, but less than true love.


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Ways it seems like I love you: -I think about you a lot -You're

5 faves · 1 comments · Jan 16, 2012 11:02pm






Jociii · 1 decade ago
I think you just perfectly described my life..
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