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Where's My Happy Ending ?
It was out friends who introduced us, and out friends who set us up. It was our friends who forced us to hug, and out friends who shuved the fake plastic rings onto our fingers and said we were married. It was crazy how in one night, an average girl like me, who didnt think love existed, could fall so hard for someone. It was crazy how even though I only met this kid a few hours before, we already knew everything about each other. It was crazy how one night coukd change everything...


did you guys like the intro? more coming tomarrow or tonight. subscribe for more & comment and give me feed back please ! thanks sooo much guys. 

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Where's My Happy Ending ? Intro It was out friends who introduced

2 faves · 1 comments · Jan 16, 2012 1:03am






witty_writer7814 · 1 decade ago
I like it so far(: Can you check out my story if you have time?
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