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Behind the Scenes
Chapter 13
It was Monday, and now one week before the play.  
I hadn't been getting much sleep lately, trying to fix up costumes, talk to stage crew, reherse with chorus, and all that drama.  I've taken to studying in between Acts in the play for finals (exam's were just around the corner as well) then finally after all of this, I will be done and heading to Florida for a 3 week long vacation this summer.  
And I was so ready to for a break.  I thought that not seeing Luke for three weeks would do me some good.  
It was lunch time and I was sitting with Claire, Shelby, Josh, Drew, and a bunch of other people.  I was chewing some gum and working on my science homework, which was due next class.  Drew was helping me with it, while finishing up his cheese and pepperoni pizza.  "So where do you find the answer to number 18?" I asked while glancing at the clock, only seven more minutes left until lunch ended.  Drew replied with his mouth full, "I think it was page 232, around the middle of the page."  "Ok, thanks," I said.  "No problem," he replied.  
He finished his pizza, and went to throw out his trash with Josh and Shelby following close behind them.  I shoved my homework in my bag and rushed to Science.  
I was dodging past the crowds of people, when I saw Luke.  I noticed him looking at me, even though he was holding Lindsey's hand.  I quickly looked away and continued onto class.
After school, I was walking down the hall to the PAC.  I grabbed a bag of potato chips from the vending machine on the way, and strolled onto the chaotic stage.  
I grabbed a microphone and people stopped what they were doing to hear me.  "Ok, today we are going from the top of page six to page twenty two.  Be ready in ten."  People were running across the stage, finding their scripts and reviewing their lines.  
Props were being set up around me as Tessa, one of the actors, came up and said very out of breath, "Lizzy... do you have... an extra script... on you... just for today?"  I always carried extra scripts for cases like this, and handed her one.  "Thanks," she said, and ran off back stage.  
The next two hours went by achingly slow, but when we finally finished practice, I took a big gulp of my water bottle and said, "Alright, tomorrrow we're doing the first half of the play.  Be ready with costumes, makeup, and no scripts."  
I waited, as usual, until everyone left, I grabbed my coat and Josh came up to me and said,
"Hey wanna go get something to eat?"  We walked out towards the exit, and I replied,
"That would be awesome!"  

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Behind the Scenes Chapter 13 It was Monday, and now one week

3 faves · Jan 14, 2012 8:10pm






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