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Hazel Eyes

-Chapter 3-

*back to spencer*

i'm not pretty sure why we said goodbye it's just like 5:00 pm it's so early! well i guess he had better things to do...
i decided to stay at the beach for a little longer i stared at the ocean and the world dissapeared it was so beautiful, i really loved the ocean.
it was geting late and i didn't care i was just sitting there watching the sunset, what a view! the most beautiful thing i ever saw, suddenly i standed up and went home.
my dad wasn't home, "what a surprise" i sarcasticly thought
i realized i was starving, so i went to the fridge, nothing, agh this stressed me so much! i was about to take the phone to order a pizza and the doorbell rang
"coming" i yelled
i slowly opened the door and i saw a girl
she was wearing black shorts, a yellow hollister shirt, and yellow filp flops, she had  black straight hair and blue eyes
"hey" i said to her
"hi" she said
"i'm spencer"
"Taylor" she smiled
i wanted to know the reason she came, and when i was about to ask she said
"My mom told me that you moved in today, so i stoped by to say hi"
what a lie! i bet she really ment "my mom heard you moved in today and she made me stop by to hang out"
"wanna hang out?" i asked
"sure" she said
i letted her in and she went straight to the couch, sat down and said "What are we going to do?" and smiled
i closed the door
"well i'm starving so i was about to order some pizza what do you say?" i said
"sounds good" she said
"okay" i smiled
i took the phone and ordered the pizza.
we had to do something while the pizza came so i said to her
"do you like Call of Duty?"
"not really"
"Yes i want to play" said in a "okay, okay" voice
and we played till the pizza arrived
i recived it, paid for it and then we sat at the kitchen table and ate.
we chatted about everything and we got really close,we finished the pizza but we didn't stand up we kept chatting then she looked at the kitchen clock, "wow time flyes i have to go"
"Noooo!! please don't go yet" i said
"my mom is going to go bananas on me" she said
"Then stay over" i said
"well... yeah" i said
"OMG really"
"Yes Taylor! it's not that big of a deal!"
"Wow thank you so much, can i borrow your phone?"
"of course you can"
she called her mom to let her know she'll be staying
"okay, okay, yes mom, no mom
 just the two of us!, yes she's a girl, of course i'm sure mom!, okay, okay bye mommy love ya" she hung up
"paaartaaayyyy" she yelled
i laughed "let's go upstairs"
we had so much fun trought the night till we finally fell asleep at 3:00 am
i forgot i had to get up "early" next day
oh god i'm in trouble

Awkward and boring chapter i know, sorry

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Hazel Eyes -Chapter 3- *back to spencer* i'm not pretty sure

1 faves · Jan 14, 2012 11:32am






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