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Funny Things to Do In a Public Bathroom


Narrate what you are doing as if you are writing a novel.

Go into a stall and start laughing hysterically. When you walk out, act like nothing happened.

Lock all the stalls from the inside (climb over the tops). Scream “OCCUPIED!” if anyone tries to get in.

Wait at a stall. Tell everyone that your imaginary friend is in there.

 Sing opera as loudly and as badly as possible when you are waiting for a stall.

Stand at the paper towels and tell everyone that you are the “Master of the Towels.” Make people dance to get a towel.

Act amazed when the water turns on.

Carry on a conversation with yourself in a stall.

Hum loudly the first 6 notes of Happy Birthday over and over again as you wash your hands.

Dance everywhere and make up songs about what you are doing at the moment. For example “I am washing my hands, yeah! I put the soap on my hands, yeah! I rinsed the soap off my hands, yeah! Woo hoo! I am washing my hands, yeah!



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Funny Things to Do In a Public Bathroom Narrate what you are

6 faves · Jan 22, 2009 6:37pm






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