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Never Alone


Hi. My name is Samantha Kelro. Im 15 and I have a not so normal life. See, I was never good at fitting into a what you would call group at school.  No Im not a nerd, and Im defiantly not popular, or at least not in the good way, but you see, everyone judges me. Im either one of the following:  weirdo, queit, loner, friendless, freak, well you get the point. People dont know my side of the story.  My dad left when I was younger and my mom is a workaholic.  Everyone probably thinks that I live in some creepy old house but I actually have a pretty big house, thanks to my moms high paying job.  Anyways, im either by myself in school or at home because my mom is never home. I have changed schools at least 6 times in my life and I could never find my spot in life, so I just went with the flow, until I switched schools one last time.  I could already tell by the pictures online that it was a snobby, rich kid school, but my mother would never listen to me when i told her i didnt want to move.  Thats when my whole world changed for the better, or so i thought.

comment if i should continue please!!  fave is you like it. :)



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Never Alone Intro Hi. My name is Samantha Kelro. Im 15 and I

1 faves · 1 comments · Jan 12, 2012 6:55pm






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